Monday, April 1, 2013

Candy Hangover?

Happy Easter Everyone!
Anyone else feeling the chocolate hangover?
I not only got Easter baskets from my mom and my husband, but I also have a child that can only eat certain candies so I get all that too! haha
I had such a great weekend with my family!
The Easter egg hunt went well on Saturday, but Cam was more interested in rocks and leaves than the eggs :)
He got the hang of it after a while :)

He sure did love that candy though!
Sunday morning we went to church and then came home to a big dinner and Easter baskets! :)

Cameron's cousin Conner

Our little Easter Bunny!
Hope you all can recover from all that candy! ;)
P.S.  I died my hair the new ombre style!  I will post pics when I have the chance to fix it!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Weekend

I love Easter so much!
Not only did Jesus die on the cross for us and raise from the dead but it brings family together! 
Tomorrow morning I am heading to Gallipolis to be with my family to celebrate Cameron's first Easter! :)  There is an egg hunt at church then afterwards we are going to color eggs.  I'm so excited to pass the traditions on to Cameron that I grew up doing!
Sunday morning is the sunrise service (in which I am supposed to play the trumpet, which I have not done in front of an audience since high school) and then we have the Easter service and then a big dinner with our family!  Not to mention Easter baskets in the morning ;)
I hope you all enjoy this Easter weekend, but most importantly, don't forget what it's about!  Also, pray for the millions of people that only go to church on Easter Sunday.  Pray that their hearts will be softened and that God will work through that one service to prove that HE IS LORD and has RISEN FROM THE DEAD!!!!
Happy Easter!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Getaway?

Yesterday while I was sitting in church I looked at Jimmy and said, "You wanna go to Gallipolis?"
Now he doesn't think that I'm very spontaneous so he was shocked and was ready to go!
My sister is the youth leader at church in Gallipolis and they were having a youth lead service in which my brother was singing and playing guitar in the band.  I wanted to surprise my siblings so we made our way down.
It was definitely God calling me to Gallipolis.  The service was amazing! God's presence was so evident!  They performed a skit about Jesus rising fromt the dead and it was so moving!  People were saved, some people surrendered, and there were only a few dry eyes in there! 
God is truly working through that youth group and I was so happy that I got to witness it!
After the service we went over to my parents house and spent some time with all of my family.  My dad told me that he had something to tell me. 
Now let me say this-I'm 21 years old, I am married, and I have a child.  The fact that my dad took time to give me advice (which most people would have rejected at my age) and more importantly specifically from God's Word moved me!
Without going into too much detail, we have been having some trouble with our previous landlord.  It has been making me sick and I have been losing sleep over it.  My dad pulled out his Bible and gave me a passage of Scripture and advice on what he felt I should do.  I called my dad crying when I first found out what was going on because I had no idea what to do.  He told me then that he wasn't really sure what to do.  However, he didn't just leave it be.  He sought out Scripture and brought it to my attention trying to help me to become a better me!  My mom was also advising me in the same direction and was telling me about how God will bless me if I obey Him.
I am SO THANKFUL for parents like this!  Parents that don't give advice out of anger or worldly experience, but ones that seek Scripture and impart that knowledge upon their children!  I am truly blessed with amazing parents!
So now I am back home.  We didn't come home until today because the roads were pretty bad last night.  I am so happy that I was able to just get away from it all and spend a few precious moments with my family. 
If you think about it, pray that I will be able to set aside my pride and follow the advice given by my parents. 
Hope you have as great of a Monday as I have :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

College Grad!

I know that I always say that I am going to get better at this blogging thing, but I never do.  I try to stay consistent but then life gets in the way! 
Since I last wrote a post a LOT has changed.  My husband and I are now college graduates!  However, I had no idea that this is how it was going to feel. 
It may be simply because I haven't walked in my graduation ceremony yet. 
It could be because I don't have a "real" job. 
It could be because I live in the basement of my in-laws. 
Whatever the reason, graduating college (for me) is not all it's cracked up to be.
I have been seeking God's direction in all of this.  I feel like He has such big plans for Jimmy and I but right now I feel like I am in a very rough patch of my life.  I know that God is teaching me one thing and that's humility.
When I graduated college I was so full of myself.  I was so proud of what I had done.  I thought that I was going to make so much money and be this amazing executive or something even better.  However, that didn't happen.
God is truly teaching me that I need to trust Him and to thank Him for all of my accomplishments because without Him I would have NOTHING.   
I look forward to what God has planned for my family.  I wish that it would happen a little sooner, but since it's not going how I planned, I've let go and let God.  :)
I hope that this hasn't been too boring to read.  I'm going to try to keep up with this, but I'm not promising anything.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today is just one of those days where I feel like everything is going wrong.  Without going into detail, let's just say that everything is piling up.  I actually broke down in tears today, and it has been a long time since that's happened.  I tend to let lots of little insignificant things build up and then when I can't hold it in any longer, they all come gushing out and it seems like a huge problem when in reality it's just a bunch of little ones. 
I start class tomorrow, and I am so worried I'm going to be overwhelmed.  I mean, I don't know how single moms go to school.  I can't imagine having to worry about providing income for my family, taking care of my family, AND going to school.  While I do all three of these things right now, I have the help of my husband.  He works so hard to support us, and I am VERY grateful for that. 
I know that I will get through anything with God on my side, but I'm just so stressed right now.  Life gets harder the older you get.  And when you think you have it all figured out (like I did on Monday) it all comes crashing down. :(
I am thankful for everyone that loves me and supports me.  I am happy to have a wonderful husband and a beautiful child, but when the storms come, it's hard to see all the beautiful things in life. 
Tip of the Day:  Take some time for yourself Mommas!  We all need a little time away from everything to just relax and be able to appreciate what we have been blessed with.  Whether you simply go to the store by yourself or go on a walk by yourself, do something!
"And I know there will be days when this life brings me pain, but if that's what it takes to praise you-Jesus bring the rain!"

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Macie Grace :)

My sister had her baby!!!
Macie Grace Nataly greeted us with her presence on August 27, 2012.  She was born at 4:05 p.m.  She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 21.25 in. long. 
(sorry I can't figure out how to rotate this picture haha)
 I now have a little niece! :)
And today, my child decides he needs to be held all the time.  Not easy when you have to get work done.  He is sitting in my lap watching me type this.  Good thing he is so adorable or I don't think I could deal with this haha
Tip of the Day:  Some days your child will need more attention than other days.  It may be because he or she has a belly ache or they just really need to feel your love.  You're not "spoiling" your child by giving them their needs.  Now, if they do this EVERY day, it may not be a need.  However, in my experience, I have realized my child needs attention more than other babies.  It's not necessarily being held that he wants, just someone to talk to him or look at him.  This works out fine when I can sing and clean or just talk to him while I do other things.  :)

Monday, August 27, 2012


Our laptop died...hence the no posts over the weekend...

It didn't necessarily die, but it wont charge, so therefore it's dead. 

I'm sitting at home (on the desktop computer) waiting waiting and waiting.  I'm gonna be an aunt (again) today!  I'm getting my first little niece :)  My sister is having her little baby today.  She went in this morning to be induced at 6 am and now were just waiting for her to come. 

In the mean time, Cameron tried baby cereal last week, and let's just say its a hit!  You cant feed him fast enough!  He loved it!

Sleep transitioning is going pretty well....Saturday night he only cried for 14 minutes!  However, last night he cried for about 30, but he is sleeping through the night pretty well!  Jimmy woke him up this morning because he had his hands and legs through the crib and Jimmy tried to move him.  But all in all, he loves his sleep! ((Wonder who he got that from?? haha))

So that's about all that's going on right now...oh wait, Jimmy and I start school this week :/ ugh....its kinda bittersweet because it is our last semester of how the time flies...but i am not looking forward to 7:45 classes!

Tip of the Day:  Keep a baby book!  I may not be the best at keeping up with my baby book, but the things that I do have written down in there are so precious to me! Journal when you're pregnant and put some of that stuff in your baby book.  You won't regret it :) And hopefully one day, Cameron will love to look at it! :)